About Pilesound

Our History

Our Team

Robert (Bert) F. Miner, P.E.

Principal Engineer

Bert received a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from Case Institute of Technology in 1983 and a Master of Science in Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin in 1991. In 1983 Bert started work in Cleveland, Ohio for the firm which pioneered the field of dynamic pile testing, later opening offices for that firm in Denver and Seattle. Bert founded Pilesound in 1999 and he makes his home near Port Orchard, WA where he is active in all aspects of Pilesound’s services.

Phone: 360-981-3317

Email: Bert@pilesound.com

Andrew J. Banas, P.E.

Senior Engineer

Andrew joined Pilesound in June of 2010 after completing a Masters of Science in Engineering at Portland State University. Andrew has achieved the rank of Advanced on the Dynamic Measurement and Analysis Proficiency Test and specializes in high and low strain dynamic monitoring and analysis, crosshole sonic logging as well as hydroacoustic monitoring and analysis. Born and raised in Alaska he prides himself on supporting the the deep foundation industry both in Alaska and across the greater NW region.
Phone: 360-865-1667

Email: AndrewB@pilesound.com